How to build your Confidence as an Artist

Hi, I’m Carly and recently I talked about building confidence in my YouTube vlog which then inspired me to write this post. This is based for the illustrator artist who maybe wants to open up their own shop, sell art commissions, start a YouTube channel, etc

So building confidence as an artist and opening a shop will come with time.

When I first opened up my Etsy shop, I didn’t know what I was doing and I was still learning everything (being self-taught) But not long after opening my shop I let my fear and self-confidence get the best of me and I closed it down. All because I didn’t feel good enough, I felt overwhelmed and put to much pressure on myself!

Just start small and accept that you might not get sales right away, it doesn’t mean that your not good enough. You might not even get sales for a few months (or longer) Don’t let that hold you back though. Stick with it, build it slowly as it feels right to you. Everyone has a different journey, experience and growth so focus on your lane and don’t get caught up with where others are at or how well they are doing. Comparison will be the biggest killer for your confidence.

A few tips to help improve your confidence:

  • Don’t compare yourself to others

  • Focus on improving your mindset (confidence is powered by the mind)

  • Don’t expect everything to be perfect, lower your expectations

  • Take breaks away from social media to avoid overthinking or falling into the comparison trap

  • Absorb all things self development and mindset. This can be reading books, listening to podcasts or watching people’s content that make you feel good!

Building your confidence can take time and it’s even something I’m still dealing with at times, and I think a lot of artists do. (even the ones who have been around for a long time) Also remember, people can look like they have it all together on the surface and on their social media’s but you never know what they are battling with behind the screens.

I really hope this post has helped motivate you and leaves you feeling a bit better then before you clicked on it. If I can inspire at least just one person from this then I’m happy as confidence is such a huge thing for me and I really want to help you and not let it hold you back from your dreams!

Reach out on my Instagram if you wanna say hi or let me know what you thought about this: @beachlifestudio_


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