I’m Carly!

Let’s get to know each other! I’m a British girl living in sunny Australia with my partner and little dog, Cookie🌞 Other than drawing I love making videos for YouTube, reading, playing animal crossing and going to the beach.

Where it all began?

I always loved drawing and crafts as a child but through my teenage years and beyond it started to take a back seat in my life and I would only draw a couple of times a year. It was when I turned 29 years old that I started to take it more seriously. I would draw almost every day, learn new art skills and post my work online.

In 2017 I moved to Australia…

When I moved to Australia I thought it was about time I found an “actual” career so I decided to do an online course in Graphic Design because I thought it was the only way I could be creative. After trying lots of jobs and college courses nothing else really stuck. One day whilst I was on Skillshare watching Graphic Design classes, I stumbled across a video of a girl who was making money drawing for surface pattern design.

This struck an excitement in me as it was something I never new was possible. So I started to bring back my love for drawing and shared my illustrations on Instagram where I slowly built my drawing skills and an art community. This then led me to make my YouTube channel because I’ve always loved creating videos too. I also started an Etsy shop, a Patreon account, I was drawing commissions for people, children’s books, filming classes for skillshare and more. Thing is, I was trying to it all at once and didn’t have a clear focus so I soon burnt myself out. I didn’t have business experience and felt like I wasn’t good enough…so I decided to take a step back. I shut down my commissions, I would never self-promote myself and soon enough I needed to get a full time job again and I went back to drawing just for a hobby. Since being in my job a few months now I want to re-build myself up. No matter the struggles and failed times I’ve been through, I will not give up on my art dreams. I have learnt from these things, realised what I enjoy and what I don’t and will always try again…and most importantly, I won’t give up!

I enjoy sharing my art journey and inspiring others along the way so I hope you love following along. It’s amazing when I get messages from people saying that I’ve inspired them or helped them in some way!

Thank you for the continued support!

(If you wanna learn more about my art journey from the beginning, watch the video below)


Mon - Fri: 6pm - 9pm

Sat - Sun: 9am -5pm
